martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Goal achieved!


 Yessssssssssss, I have made it! I have finally got my Certificate of Advanced English. I passed the Cambridge exam in july, so I can say that my level is C1!! I'm feeling pretty proud of myself at the moment, as I've prepared the exam on my own, without attending classes. I would have liked to, but unfortunately I couldn't  (Just one among the manifold drawbacks of living in a hamlet).

       My next goal is to get the Proficiency Certificate, although I haven't thought of any deadline, as I don't know how much spare time I will have to study or how much practice I will get. Never mind, sooner or later I will get it!

        If I got a new work, this summer would be perfect. But that hasn't happened yet: :((  I have just gone to a job interview, but much to my sorrow and given that I don't have any expertise in that field, I'm rather unlikely to be chosen. I'll keep searching!

1 comentario:

  1. Congratulations on your proficiency!!!

    Wow, I learned German as a foreign language, and stopped at B1. I have come to realise that languages are not for me! :D

    What a great achievement too, for setting this blog up to practice your English! Well done :)
